Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Busy Monday

Hardly any time for words today because it's supposed to rain tonight at midnight, so we're in a mad rush to get everything weeded and harvested that shouldn't get wet, before rain comes.

Gotta jet!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's Raining Dogs!

This post is dedicated to our wonderful aussies Mel and Trace.

"Did you call my name?"

Melvin ejoying the sun in his 'hole'

"What are you doing?"

Trace keeping a watchful eye on the fence that attacked and viciously bit him awhile ago.

"Don't I look cute?"

Mel and Trace 'helping' us haul a load of hay to the horse barn in March.

Looking regal. Melvin doesn't like the camera and looks away if you stand close to him and try and get a picture. To get these rare pictures of him looking directly at you, I have to stand at least ten feet away and use that wonderful zoom our camera has.

Sleeping beauty. I came back to the house to get a fresh battery and found Trace conked out on his chain.

Having fun in the chaff.

"Now I told you a million times, quit sticking your tounge out at me!!!"

"Much better, good dog!"

"I love gardening!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to step on your carrots...."

"I'm going to pace around the bed of the hay truck and squeak until you show me how to get down."

"I love you Mom!"

"This is MY wool, go get your own!"

"Hey, that's mine!" "No, it's mine!"

"Can we share it?"

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and this post; I had alot of fun putting it together. The dogs wanted to help, but their paws where too big to make the keyboard work, and they thought the mouse was a field mouse because it had such a long tail.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

P.S, don't ask your dog to fetch the paper for you....

When we stepped outside this morning, we found that Trace had 'read' the paper last night and left it scattered all over the yard. This is the remnants of last night's paper reading with the guilty party looking on. (he didn't put it in a nice little pile like it is now).

Unwelcome Guests....

I found these brown buggers when I was picking the the blue berries last night. There are only three in this picture, but there was about twenty-five or thirty of them all around on the ground and some on the branches.

These are Cedar Waxwings. They've left by now, but they were eating the green blue berries and raspberries.

Friday, July 25, 2008

random shots

I never get tired of this shot....

Are you talking to me?

Baling hay

I wanna come with you guys!

Four Turkey Vultures(buzzards) you can't see it in this shot, but a huge airliner just flew above them.

Hey, you there! Dim your brights before they blind somebody!

I love a good sunset!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Busy, Busy

Right now is the busiest part of the the summer. The garden is going great guns, the organic cherries have arrived and are in need of processing right this minute before they go bad, the hay has to be put up, pesto has to be made, the garden weeded, garlic pulled, etc. Out of the twelve boxs of cherries that we started with, there are only four left!

The bale(idiot cube) tally as of now, is 926 or 18 tons. That's off of three fields, and there are two medium sized fields left. The next on the list is a fourteen acre field right next to the one that we just did, and the one after that, the last one is about eight acres.

We got 423 bales off of this four acre field. The pasture behind the little grove of hawthorn trees is the next in line.

Yesterday, while it's still cloudy, and before the horse shoer came, me and mom hauled seven or eight wheelbarrow loads of sawdust and dumped it into the turkey brooder before they come this morning.

While we were hauling wheelbarrow loads of sawdust for the turkey poults, I caught Jetta doing this:

And mom found these when she was weeding the tomato jungle in the greenhouse... .

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Post!

I've thought about starting a blog and my mom has prodded and prodded me to start one and my friend Linda said I should start one, so I finally decided to finally start a blog...

Here's a picture I took of a baby pilliated woodpecker.