Sunday, October 5, 2008

Command Central

Command central, the office on the eighteenth floor of the vast blogging complex that makes reading this blog and Throwback at Trapper Creek possible.

Okay, there is no eighteenth floor or vast office complex, just a computer and a semi "organized" mess on the desk.


Anonymous said...

I always wondered where COMMAND CENTRAL was... is it anywhere near the HEADQUARTERS?

Shirley said...

Much better than the eighteenth floor! Can you see your horses from the window? Stop by my blog, there is an award for you.

Trapper Creek Daughter said...

Anonymous, How did you know about the Head Quarters...That's topsecret information! lol!

Shirley, No unfortunately not. From the computer, I can look out on the drive way but the animals are the other way.

Thanks for the award!