Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Lyon, the Spectrum, and the Teacher

Last night was our (Dad and I) first guitar class of the fall term. We'd taken the class last fall, but then got too busy to take the next terms until this September.

Anyway, I was glad that we'd been practicing, and didn't have to struggle with trying to relearn the the chords and strumming patterns. Luckily, from all the practicing, our fingers had the beginnings of tiny callouses on the tips of our fingers. They will get thicker from playing longer, but it's nice to have that little pad to keep your fingers from getting those huge dents in your fingertips that hurt so bad.

Over all, it was good, and I had fun. Can't wait for next wednesday!

Left: my guitar, a Spectrum, Right: Dad's guitar, a Lyon by Washburn

Trace is curious to see why I was staring at an odd shaped wooden box, through the camera.


threecollie said...

What kind of music do you play? My brother and I play too sometimes.

Shirley said...

Good for you! I used to play a little bit when I was a teenager and tried to pick it up again a few years ago. Unfortunately, I broke my wrist and now can't turn it far enough to pay the chords.

Trapper Creek Daughter said...

Threecollie, Mostly country. Our teacher usually does a mix of rock and some country. Did you play acoustic?

Shirley, I know, some chords are hard enough to do, but then if you can't bend your wrist...

threecollie said...

Yes, I do now...I have a cheap old copy of a fancy Gibson. Used to have a Gibson SG electric....back in the day

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.