Well, here's the story. Yesterday morning, I took the harvesting basket out to the garden to cut the broccoli heads - mine and my mom's row.
Most of the heads were just right, but some of them had been left too long, and now they were enormous, and starting to bloom. I was told that if I came to any of those, just to cut them off and set them in a nice, neat pile and they would be taken to the pigs the next time she (mom) walked by garden that day.
Okay, that would work. Naturally, the dogs went with me to help, and keep a weather eye on things. I found five or six of the above mentioned blooming heads, and set them in a pile.
I finished, whistled for the dogs, and carried the nearly heaping full basket back to the house with the dogs trotting ahead. A couple hours later, my mom and I happened to look out the kitchen window and see Trace carrying around his prize.
Logically, I grabbed the camera, ran outside and snapped pictures of Trace and huge broccoli head that he had stolen out of pile for the pigs, when we weren't looking.
Oh, and I picked the first cauliflower yesterday! This variety is called Cheddar, I've had amazing results with it. The seeds are very strong and always comes up, it grows really well here in the Pacific Northwest, and the color doesn't bleach out when you steam or blanch it. I like Cheddar waaaaaaay more than Graffiti, another one that I grew for a few years, but quit growing this year. The seeds were so weak that maybe you would get two starts out of a six pack. Once they were in the ground they did okay. When steamed, the head bleached out and turned this kind of unappetizing blueish color. With seed so expensive, it just wasn't worth it.
We had this head for dinner, steamed, slathered with butter, along with our fettuccine. Delicious!! I wish I had thought to take a picture of it steamed.
Oh, I just love the picture of Trace with the broccoli. Dogs are so funny. Years ago I had one that had a fascination for parsnips. I lived in a little four-room cabin then with no finished inside walls. He used to steal parsnips and drop them down the walls or through the open stairway or push them into little hiding places all over the cabin.
Maybe Trace thinks the pigs just get too much of the good stuff?
Cauliflower is one of my favorites. Are you back in school yet?
Your produce looks terrific ... so full and beautiful! No wonder the doggie wanted to carry it around ... even the veggie scrap pile looks good! I just read a recipe for a crunchy broccoli/cauliflower salad. Guess I'm getting hints to give it a try!
ROTFL!! Love the picture of him and his prize!! At least it is a healthy prize he found! *and not a dead, smelling, carcus or something of that nature!
Nice looking cauliflower and broccoli, sounds yummy!!
We had broc/caul. with butter and seasonings last night too!
Threecollie, I know they have such funny personalities. Our dogs love parsnips too, they like to carry them around and eventually eat them.
Linda, That could be... They do get alot of good stuff that dogs like to eat.
Yes, actually I am, I started the 28th of August, and I think the last day is June 5th.
Paula, Wow, that's some powerful sounding hints!
I'm so glad that there is almost twenty more heads out there!
Kdwhorses,That's very true, I didn't think of that. Sometimes he does get out some pretty gross stuff.
The secret I found to growing it is to put a bunch of compost on it right after planting and water it in really good.
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